When introducing children to the actions of wudhu and salaat, breaking them down into stages will help children of each action. Placing them in a routine will aid them to remember the actions in order. As a visual cue, the routine can be placed on a musallah as preparation for salaat.
Friday, 17 April 2015
Prophet Musa story bag
The story of Prophet Musa can be narrated in different stages. From his birth all the way to the parting of the seas.
Sunday, 5 April 2015
Adhan/ Iqama sequencing cards
To practise Adhan and Iqama in sequence, I made simple cards that can be layed out in order. Both the Arabic and English translation are written on this card as well as the number of times each verse should be recited. This would be a good way for children to also identify and remember the differences between them.
Eid bags
To develop the concepts of Eid e Ghadeer and Eid e Mubahila, the events can be narrated through a simple story bags.
To accompany these events, listening to relevant Qasidas will further bring the events alive for children.
Eid e Ghadeer - My Mawla forever/ Ali, Ali Mawla (Voice of Passion)
Eid e Mubahila - Victory at Mubahila (Voice of Passion)
To accompany these events, listening to relevant Qasidas will further bring the events alive for children.
Eid e Ghadeer - My Mawla forever/ Ali, Ali Mawla (Voice of Passion)
Eid e Mubahila - Victory at Mubahila (Voice of Passion)
Thursday, 2 April 2015
Interactive Islamic calendar
Children love to use and update calendars. I created an Islamic calendar by adding Arabic equivalent to the days of the week and numbers, added Islamic months, and clock faces for children to draw hands for salaat timings. You would need a salaat timing chart as a reference.
Prophet Yunus story bag
Contents of the bag: Prophet Yunus, people, boat, whale, tree and dark cloud.
A good idea to introduce the dua that Prophet Yunus recited when in trouble.
A good idea to introduce the dua that Prophet Yunus recited when in trouble.
Birth of Imam Ali (a.s)
To mark the birth of this awesome personality, I made a simple story bag. The contents included the Holy personalities - Bibi Fatema Binte Asad, Imam Ali (smaller version as he was a baby) and the Holy Prophet. The Holy Kabaa was made using a square box with one edge trimmed to represent 'Rukn Yamani' the split in the Holy Kabaa. The box was covered in black felt with added features and on the edges of Rukn Yamani, I added Velcro to the felt piece which could be pulled out to create a gap.
Wednesday, 1 April 2015
Rhyming basket
Another interactive activity young children will love using, is rhyming baskets. Here, children can have props whilst singing Islamic rhymes. An Islamic rhyme to reinforce the Panjetans remains in my head from when my son started Madressa! The rhyme is in tune of Bah, bah black sheep. Another basket I made was a rhyme from QFatima Islamic rhymes for Muslims - When you start something say Bismillah. Whilst using Dahwul Arz story board, 'all things bright and beautiful' rhyme would work perfectly!
Prophet Nuh story bag
The story of Prophet Nuh's ark is a popular narration. A story bag with props to tell this story is easily gathered. The animals used are small models, the ark was created using felt, ensuring it had a 'pocket' for the animals and people to go in and additional features such as scene and characters were added.
Washroom etiquettes
For children who are getting toilet trained, a visual routine to remember washroom etiquettes is ideal. You could review and practise this prior to their training and could be something you could hang up in the bathroom as a reminder. Instead of using a felt timeline, laminated card would work as it would be waterproof.