Sunday 24 May 2015

14 Masoomeen timeline

Inspired by the Montessori timeline of the story of the Earth, I have devised a 14 Masoomeen timeline. Using the colour coding concept from the Aimmahs matching cards, I joined A4 coloured felt pieces together and made picture cards with significant events/ artefacts and books related to each masoom. This activity will keep children engaged for long periods as well as enable them to remember significant events and facts about the Masoomeens



Birth of our Holy 3rd Imam

To celebrate the birth of our Holy 3rd Imam Hussein (a.s) how about telling children the story of the angel Fitrus' visit at his birth and the miracle of his wings, with a simple story bag which includes: a cradle with our holy Imam, Prophet Muhammed, Angel Jibrael and Angel Fitrus with detachable wings using Velcro.

Sunday 17 May 2015

Aimmah matching cards

I seem to hibernate term times LOL but Alhamdulillah, by the Grace of Allah, I have created a matching game for children to learn our Aimmahs in sequence. This game consists of 48 colour coded cards with numerals, names of the Holy Imams, an icon designated to recall them as well as their title. Please contact me if you are interested in purchasing this game.